Online Sun (寸) to other length measurement units converter.
Sun (寸) is a Japanese unit of length equal to 10 bu (分).
This online converter will allow you to convert easily sun in to other units of length and distance.
Length converter. Sun
You can input only integer numbers, decimals or fractions in this online calculator (-2.4, 5/7, ...). More in-depth information read at these rules.
The metric system is the general name of the international decimal system of units based on the use of meter and the kilogram.
kilometer (km) | 0 |
meter (m) | 0 |
decimeter (dm) | 0 |
centimeter (cm) | 0 |
millimeter (mm) | 0 |
micrometre (micron) | 0 |
nanometer (nm) | 0 |
angstrom | 0 |
English (American) system of measures based on the British measures. English system of measures since 1958 have the relationship with the metric system by defining the inch as equal to 2.54 cm.
league | 0 |
mile (mi) | 0 |
land | 0 |
furlong | 0 |
bolt | 0 |
chain | 0 |
pole | 0 |
rod (rd) | 0 |
perch | 0 |
yard (yd) | 0 |
foot (ft) | 0 |
span | 0 |
hand | 0 |
inch (in) | 0 |
line | 0 |
mil | 0 |
microinch | 0 |
According to the modern definition, international nautical mile is equal to 1852 meters. Nautical mile is not an SI unit, however, by a decision of the General Conference on Weights and Measures, its use is allowed, but not recommended. International nautical mile = 10 cables = 1/3 marine league.
nautical league (naut.leag) | 0 |
nautical mile (naut.mi) | 0 |
international cable | 0 |
fathom | 0 |
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