Free online calculators to solve mathematical tasks
Online calculators
- Collection of online calculators which will help you to solve mathematical tasks fast. For a solution of the task it is enough to select the necessary online calculator and to input the task data, the program will fulfil all evaluations and will give the detailed answer.
I constantly improve existing calculators and write new ones. If you do not find the desired mathematical calculator or know how to improve existing calculators, write about it in comments or feedback.
Online calculators. Unit conversion.
Mass and Weight ConversionLength and Distance ConversionArea ConversionVolume ConversionTime ConversionSpeed ConversionTemperature Conversion

Online calculators. Number theory.
Column addition, column subtraction, long multiplication and long division calculatorColumn addition and column subtraction calculatorLong multiplication calculatorLong division calculatorLong division calculator with remainders calculatorModulo CalculatorGCD and LCM calculatorInteger factorization calculatorSquare root calculator

Online Fraction Calculators:
Online Fraction CalculatorOnline Fraction and Decimal CalculatorOnline Comparing Fractions CalculatorOnline Simplifying Fractions CalculatorConverting Improper Fractions to Mixed NumbersConverting Mixed Numbers to Improper FractionsLeast common denominator of two fractionsConverting Decimal to FractionRatio CalculatorRational Expression Calculator

Online calculators with percent
Find P percent of A?B is P percent of what?Find the number which is greater (less) than a given number by X percent.B is what percentage of A?Find on what percent number A greater (less) than BCompound Interest Calculator. Fixed Deposit CalculatorPercent Off Calculator

Online calculators. Solving of equations.
Solving of quadratic equationsSolving of biquadratic equationsSolving systems of linear equations by substitutionGaussian elimination calculatorLinear equations calculator: Cramer's ruleLinear equations calculator: Inverse matrix method

Online calculators. Progression
n-th term of an arithmetic progressionSum of an arithmetic progression

Online calculators. Combinatorics. Theory of Probability
PermutationKpermutationCombinationExpected valueVariance

Online calculators with complex numbers
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of complex numbersMagnitude of complex number. Complex modulusRectangular form of complex number to polar and exponential form converter

Online calculators with vectors
Online calculator. Component form of a vector with initial point and terminal pointOnline calculator. Vector magnitude calculatorOnline calculator. Direction cosines of a vectorOnline calculator. Addition and subtraction of two vectorsOnline calculator. Scalar-vector multiplicationOnline calculator. Dot product of two vectorsOnline calculator. Angle between vectorsOnline calculator. Vector projectionOnline calculator. Cross product of two vectors (vector product)Online calculator. Scalar triple productOnline calculator. Collinear vectorsOnline calculator. Orthogonal vectorsOnline calculator. Coplanar vectorsOnline calculator. Area of triangle formed by vectorsOnline calculator. Area of parallelogram formed by vectorsOnline calculator. Volume of pyramid formed by vectorsOnline calculator. Is vectors a basis?Online calculator. Decomposition of the vector in the basis

Online calculators with matrixes
Matrix addition and subtraction calculatorMatrix transpose calculatorMatrix scalar multiplication calculatorMatrix multiplication calculatorMatrix power calculatorMatrix determinant calculatorMatrix rank calculatorInverse matrix calculator (Gaussian elimination)Inverse matrix calculator (Matrix of cofactors)

Online calculator. Analytic geometry. Cartesian coordinates.
Distance between two points calculatorMidpoint calculatorEquation of a line calculatorPoint of lines intersectionAngle between two linesDistance from a point to a line - 2-DimensionalDistance from a point to a line - 3-DimensionalEquation of a planeDistance from point to planeDistance between two planesAngle between two planesAngle between line and plane

Online calculators. The area of geometrical figures.
Triangle Area Calculator (9 diferent ways)Online calculator. Triangle area. Heron's formulaQuadrilateral Area CalculatorSquare Area CalculatorRectangle Area CalculatorParallelogram Area CalculatorRhombus Area CalculatorTrapezium Area CalculatorCircle Area CalculatorEllipse Area Calculator

Online calculators. Perimeter of geometric figures
Perimeter of a trianglePerimeter of a squarePerimeter of a rectanglePerimeter of a parallelogramPerimeter of a rhombusPerimeter of a trapeziumCircumference of a circle

Online calculators. The volume of geometrical figures.
Volume of cubeVolume of prismVolume of rectangular prism (cuboid)Volume of parallelepipedVolume of pyramidVolume of tetrahedronVolume of sphereVolume of cylinderVolume of cone

Online calculators. Surface Area Formulas for Geometric Figures
Area of cubeArea of rectangular prism (cuboid)Area of cylinderArea of coneArea of sphere

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