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B is what percentage of A

ФFormula for calculating what percentage of the number B from the number A.

If you know two number A and B and need find, B is what percentage of A, then

P = B · 100%

For the derivation of this equation using the method of solving problems with percentage

"All" = 100%   =>   "Part in %" = "Part" · "100%"
"Part""Part in %"All

Examples of solving problems: B is what percentage of A

Example 1.
5 is what percentage of 40.


5 · 100% = 12.5%

Answer: 5 is 12.5% of 40.

Example 2.
In store book costs $ 400 and $ 380 on the market. Find what percentage of the market price in relation to the store?


380 · 100% = 95%

Answer: 95%.

Example 3.
The bank deposit put $ 10,000 in a year have profited of $ 1200, what the interest rate was in the bank.

Solution. The interest rate is equal to a percentage, which is the profit of the deposit amount

1200 · 100% = 12%
10 000

Answer: the interest rate was 12%.

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