
In physics and mathematics vector is a quantity that is characterized by its numerical value and direction.
In geometry, the vector is any directed segment. The vector which has a beginning point A and end point B, denoted AB. Also, the vector represent such a small letter a.
Graphically the vector depicted as a directed line segments of a certain length.
Vectors Definition. Main information
Component form of a vector with initial point and terminal point
Length of a vector
Direction cosines of a vector
Equality of vectors
Orthogonality of vectors
Collinearity of vectors
Coplanarity of vectors
Angle between vectors
Vector projection
Addition and subtraction of vectors
Scalar-vector multiplication
Dot product of two vectors
Cross product of two vectors (vector product)
Scalar triple product (mixed product)
Linearly dependent and linearly independent vectors
Decomposition of the vector in the basis
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